We Would Love to Have You Visit!

Redeemer is a warm and welcoming community. We are a small congregation, so it's easy to get to know one another during our fellowship time on Sunday mornings and at Bible studies and other events.

Sunday morning worship is at 10 am with adult Bible classes and Children's Sunday School at 9 am (Preschool through Elementary age).  A self-service nursery is available for children during worship service (more info below). Arrive before worship time to visit over a cup of coffee (we usually have snacks too) or linger afterward.

Attire is casual - come as you are. If you have questions or need any assistance, speak with our greeter in the Lobby or with the usher - they'll be glad to help.

The first Sunday of each month is a more contemporary service with music performed by our wonderful guitar and vocal group The Redeemed.

Welcome to our cozy and comfortable sanctuary. It's not too big. It's not too small. It's just right!

It's a quiet place of escape from the noise and distractions of today's life. We have padded pews and reserved seating for families with small children. BTW - If you do have children with you, you might want to pick up an activity bag as you go in, just in case they get a little squirmy. The bags are hanging on a coat tree on the left as you head toward the sanctuary. You'll see a sign. Don't worry if your children do get a little antsy. We love children and we welcome them in our worship service. Your children are God's children and very much loved!

Our comfortable, attractive, clean, and well-equipped nursery is available for your use all Sunday morning. There is a speaker in the nursery that brings in the sound from the sanctuary so that you can still experience the worship service while taking care of your precious children. Feel free to adjust the volume using the knob on the wall.

Please note: this is an unattended childcare room. You are very welcome to watch your children here or send someone with your children, but there is no childcare staff.


From I-5, take the #258 Exit

We are located in Northeast Salem at the 
corner of Lancaster and Hayesville Drives.



Redeemer Lutheran Church as seen from Lancaster Drive:

Redeemer Lutheran Church as seen from Hayesville Drive:


When do you celebrate the Lord's Supper/Holy Communion?

  • We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first and third Sundays of every month, and on the fifth Sunday when there is one.

Can I participate in the Lord's Supper/Holy Communion when I visit?

  • Here is how we practice Holy Communion. You'll have to decide if you want to participate.

    We invite you to join us in the Lord’s Supper. We believe that in a mysterious and true way, the bread and wine are the body and blood of Christ for our forgiveness. We believe this simply because Jesus said it: “This is my body... This is my blood... given and shed for the for the forgiveness of sins.” If you want what Jesus offers — forgiveness and new life in Him — please join us at His table.

     If you want to come forward but for any reason do not wish to take the bread and wine, please cross your arms over your chest rather than holding out your hands. This will indicate to the pastor that you will not be receiving communion. The pastor will give you a blessing. You are loved. You are wanted. We are glad you are here.

Where can I find out more about worship at Redeemer?

Does it matter where I sit?

  • Nope. Sit anywhere you'd like. There is no reserved seating for visitors or anyone else.

Do you have a live feed over the internet?

  • Yes, we do. We stream every service — both Sunday morning services and seasonal services, such as Advent and Lent. Just go to our Redeemer Lutheran Church YouTube Channel to watch live streams or view past services.

How long do the services last?

  • Typically, our worship services last between 50 minutes and one hour. If there are special ceremonies, the worship service may last a little bit longer.

Can I meet the pastor?

  • Yes! Pastor John would love to meet you almost any time. Sunday mornings are, of course, busy for our pastor. But be sure to introduce yourself. You can call the church office at (503) 393-7121 or email him directly at pastorjohn@redeemer-lcms.org to set up a time to get together. You can chat with him at church, meet him at a local coffee shop, set up a phone call, or just chat over email.
